Truck Driver’s Winter Essentials

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Winter is bad driving weather for anyone, especially truckers.
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Truck driving is not an easy job even when the weather is nice all over the country. In the wintertime it is especially hard though. The days are shorter, the temperatures are lower, and usually the driving of others is worse. Plus, depending on where you operate your truck you could be going through multiple states, all with different climates, meaning you have different weather conditions and patterns that you have to plan for. Overall, it just is a hard job to do at this time of year. That is why we compiled a list of wintertime truck driving essentials that will make your job much easier!

Blanket, Sleeping Bag, ETC.

You absolutely MUST have a blanket and/or sleeping bag in your truck in the winter. Honestly, it is good to have with you year-round just in case. But as a trucker, you know you have to be comfortable sleeping just about anywhere, so having a good blanket to keep warm in the winter is key!

Plenty of Food and Water

Again, this is something you should have year-round, but especially in the colder months. You never know when you may get stuck due to poor weather conditions, so you want to make sure you have enough food and water to keep you going in case of an emergency. We suggest foods like granola bars, peanut butter, jerky, and other foods that provide a good number of calories and nutrients, while lasting for a long time.

Hand Warmers

You may want to overlook these, but we promise these make a world of difference. You can keep air-activated or battery-operated ones in an emergency kit and know that, if needed, you will have roughly 24 hours of heat.

Shovel and Ice Pick

We suggest these to all truckers, no matter where you operate. Even if you only drive your truck in states that never, ever have snow, nowadays you can never be too sure. With the way climate change is affecting our world, you can never predict weather anymore, so make sure you prepare for anything.

Sand or Kitty Litter

You may be thinking, “Kitty litter? Really?” Yes, really. Sand and cat litter are great to use to create traction if you are ever stuck. They both work just as well so you can just have whatever is easily available to you and fits in your truck. If you go with cat litter, be sure to buy the non-clumping formulas, otherwise the litter will clump to any moisture, ruining the assistive nature it provides.

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