Summer is usually the biggest season for truckers. People love to start new businesses in the summer months and just drive around and explore while they travel all around the country for a job. If you are someone who has decided to take up this new career path for these months, there are some things you will want to know. Here is our guide to safe trucking this summer season!
Check the Weather!
While most of the time, when it comes to summer driving, you can expect heat, heat, and more heat; however, that is not always the case. Depending on where you go on your trucking journey, you may end up going through a state that is notorious for summer storms and they may be expecting one right as you are supposed to be getting there. Additionally, in a world riddled by climate change, we cannot simply have expectations of weather based on the “norm.” Always keep track of the weather and look at what experts have predicted based on thorough analysis.
Be Aware of Construction Zones
You are able to check construction zones quite easily actually as a truck driver. They are all supposed to be reported on the DOT website for the state in which the construction is taking place in. Check the website before heading on your trip to see what construction zones will be present at the time of your driving through.
Continue to Wear Sun Protection
You may be thinking, “I’ll be in the car, I don’t need to wear sunglasses or sunscreen!” That could not be further from the truth! Often when driving, especially in summer, you are in direct sunlight. You are just at risk of sun damage in a truck as you are walking outside due to the fact that there are so many glass panels around you, exposing you to the sun. Be sure to always stay cautious and protect your eyes with sunglasses and your skin with sunscreen.
Keep Electrolyte Packets Stocked in Your Cab
Staying hydrated is one of the most important things a trucker can do. However, one needs complete hydration with electrolytes. You can get these in lots of ways, but the quickest and easiest way is through packets that you can add to water! We suggest keeping a pack of these in your vehicle to grab in a pinch!