Getting Your Required Commercial Auto Insurance Policy

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The perfect commercial auto insurance plan is one call away!
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Are you a truck driver who is in their early days of business? Are you still figuring out the ins and outs of what you do and do not need? Well, one thing we can assure you that you absolutely MUST have on file in order to legally operate is commercial auto insurance, specifically liability coverage! This is a legally required policy that is required per the rules and regulations of the FMCSA, otherwise known as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. All commercial businesses are required to have this insurance coverage on file, otherwise they are at risk of a hefty fine and even the loss of their business/vehicle.

What does liability insurance entail?

There are actually two key parts of auto liability insurance. The first is property damage and the second is bodily injury. Essentially, the property damage coverage kicks in if you or an aspect of your business causes any damage to someone else’s property (being a building, vehicle, etc.). Bodily injury coverage goes into effect if you or an aspect of your business causes an injury to someone else. The main thing to note with both of these coverage types is that these coverages only apply if you or your business causes damage or injury to something or someone else. To say it simply, when you are at fault for an accident, your insurance applies.

In order for anyone to be on the road, these are required insurance plans.

This means that even drivers of regular, non-commercial vehicles have to have liability insurance. This is simply so that everyone stays protected when on the road in case some sort of accident occurs. Liability insurance is able to step in and cover any sort of cost that arises from an accident. Therefore, any repair costs, hospital bills, and even legal fees, are covered under liability insurance.

It is important to find a reliable and communicative liability insurance provider. You never want to be on the road with a provider who is unreachable, as then you run the risk of not getting the assistance you need, when you need it. That is why we make sure we are always here for you, providing the best service on the market!

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